yom yerushalayim - JERUSALEM DAY

Tuesday, June 4 - Wednesday, June 5

Yom Yerushalayim/Jerusalem Day is a modern Jewish holiday that celebrates the reunification of Jerusalem after the Six Day War in 1967, when Israel regained control of the Old City and access to the Kotel/Western Wall.

 Celebrate Jerusalem Day with

Professor for Chemical & Biological Physics
at the Weizman Institue of Science.

“What does and what should Yom Yerushalaiym mean to us?”

Tuesday, June 4, 2024
7:30 PM
Back Bay | Boston
RSVP for address

Eli Pollak is a Professor for Chemical and Biological Physics at the Weizman Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel and longtime resident of Katamon, Jerusalem. His research involves Time in quantum mechanics, quantum dynamics and thermodynamics. Prof. Pollak spent years of research on East (Columbia University) and West Coast (UC Berkeley), was a representative on the Israeli Council of Higher Education and is recipient of a variety of prestigious research awards and fellowships.
Prof. Pollak will speak about Yom Yerushalaiym under the title:
“What does and what should Yom Yerushalaiym mean to us?”.
We are looking forward to having Prof. Pollak join us.