thursday eve, march 13 , 2025 - friday, march 14, 2025
Friday, March 14 • 5:00 PM
Megillah Reading • 5:30 PM
Shabbat begins • 6:32 PM
Back Bay | Boston
RSVP for Address
Purim Attire
Dinner Buffet, Cocktails, Music, Megillah Reading & Hamantaschen
Click Here for the Young Professional Purim Bash, Thursday, March 13
The festival of Purim is celebrated every year on the 14th of the Hebrew month of Adar (late winter/early spring). It commemorates the salvation of the Jewish people in ancient Persia from Haman’s plot to destroy and annihilate the Jewish people, young and old, women and children`, in a single day. Mordechai and Queen Esther instituted the festival of Purim to commemorate this most miraculous salvation. Purim is the most joyous festival on the Jewish calendar. It is customary to dress up in disguising costumes, eat hamantaschen and enjoy an extra L'chaim!
1. Listening to the Reading of the Megillah a.k.a. The Book of Esther:
The Megillah, written by Mordechai and Queen Esther, recounts the riveting tale of the Purim story. CLICK HERE for Megillat Esther in Hebrew and English
2. Sending Gifts of Food to Friends a.k.a. Mishloach Manot:
On Purim we emphasize the importance of friendship and community by sending gifts of food to friends. Send a package containing at least two different food items and/or beverages to at least one Jewish acquaintance during the daylight hours of Purim.
3. A festive Purim feast a.k.a Seudat Purim:
It is a great Mitzvah (precept) to have a festive meal with family, friends and community celebrating the joy of Purim.
4. Giving Charity (Tzedakah) gifts to the poor a.k.a Matanot La'evyonim:
One of Purim's primary themes is Jewish unity. Haman tried to annihilate us all, we were all in danger together, so we celebrate together, too. Hence, on Purim day we place special emphasis on caring for the less fortunate. We give Charity to at least two needy people during the daylight hours of Purim. One can fulfill this special precept by donating to an organization that disseminates the funds on Purim to multiple people.
Central Synagogue Boston is partnering with YAD CHESSED to observe this great Mitzvah. Yad Chessed is a financial assistance agency serving Jewish individuals and families in need across Massachusetts. To fulfill this Mitzvah with Yad Chessed CLICK HERE.